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Updated April 3, 2020:

It is with a very heavy heart that we have no choice but to cancel the NPC Contra Costa Championships. This is a very hard decision to make and it is one that we do not take lightly. Our athlete's, spectators, staff, and vendor's health is our main priority.


The National Physique Committee (NPC) also wants to make sure that the athlete's health is a priority along with our local government when it comes to events with multiple people in attendance. The best way to fight this thing is to control it and control it's ability to spread amongst individuals in both small and large groups.


If you already registered or purchased tickets for the NPC Contra Costa Championship, George Jackson will be contacting you directly. We also understand some athletes may be frustated with this decision, but please understand that this decision was not easy to make. Many shows across the Nation are facing the same obstacles and it is our highest priority to see your health in mind.


Please be sure to check here for more updates.


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