As per National Physique Committee and IFBB Professional League Rules; all trainers, coaches, or any other backstage help with athletes MUST HAVE a Trainer's Pass. This pass will grant you access backstage to work with athletes competing in the specific MuscleSport Productions event.
Passes are issued at the discretion of the promoters.
Passes must be arranged prior to the contest.
Coaches must possess a current NPC or IFBB Pro League registration card.
Coaches fee is $150.00.
Passes may be purchased at the Friday check-ins.
You must have an active NPC or IFBB Pro League Card in order to be backstage with a Trainers Pass.
You may purchase your NPC Card at or at the Athlete Checkins.
Entrance/admission for only person per trainers pass (person wearing pass). If you are not a competitor or trainer with a pass, you must have a ticket to enter the event. An exception to purchasing a Trainers Pass is at the discretion of the promoters. To arrange your Trainers Pass before the competition, please email a listing of your intended competitors at least two weeks prior to the event. Please make certain they are confirmed to compete in the show.
The Backstage Pass will be in a specific person's name and will need to be picked up Friday evening during checkins. There will be a will-call at the ticket booth. Please give your name to the attendants at will-call or make your backstage pass purchase..
You must have your backstage pass at all times. Any tampering with the pass or sharing the pass will require you to purchase another backstage pass or be removed from the competition.
Listen and follow all instructions and please be respectful of event staff.
No trainers are allowed to the stage or in the staging area past the doors leading to the stage. You must work with your client in the designated areas backstage. You are not allowed to walk through the stage area.
Anyone other than the MuscleSport Productions event staff members who would like to be backstage will be required to have a backstage pass.
The event expeditors may remove any unruly individuals upon the expeditor’s discretion. Please mind your manners, language, and follow the rules and be respectful of all other individuals during the MuscleSport Productions event.